Unfortunately, tractor/trailer, truck, and automobile injuries and deaths occur all too frequently. Often these sad occurrences could have been prevented and involved some kind of negligence. Over the years, Michael Bardrick has helped individuals successfully pursue compensation on many, many tractor/trailer, truck, and automobile negligence cases.

  Often times, cases for automobile accidents require computer generated animation of the accident and impact to prove the negligence of the defendant.

  In the past, we have done video re-enactments of the actual crash to prove allegations of negligence. While the auto or tractor-trailer collision might appear simple, often to prosecute an automobile accident case requires hiring accident reconstructionists, human factor experts, and crash impact specialists. When drugs or alcohol are involved in an automobile accident case, a toxicologist may have to be retained. Often an automobile accident case requires graphic demonstrative evidence in order to explain exactly how the injury occurred, together with precise medical illustrations of the client's injuries. Experienced car accident attorneys know which experts will be required beforehand. Michael Bardrick has worked with respected professionals in virtually every field that might be called upon for your accident case.



  A mistake by a health care professional, a doctor or nurse, dentist, technician, hospital worker, or hospital which causes injury or death is commonly referred to as a medical malpractice or medical negligence claim. Medical malpractice and negligence cases are time consuming and expensive to litigate. It is important to realize that not all unfortunate medical situations are actually the result of medical negligence. Further, not all medical mistakes cause injury.
The firm may work many hours and can invest considerable funds into a potential case, only to find after investigation that it is non-meritorious. In this instance, the client owes the firm nothing.

  Medical Injuries are unique. There is no governmental body or agency available for consumers to consult when they suspect they or a family member have been victims of medical malpractice. If a plant explosion occurs, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigates and its findings and recommendations are public record. Car accidents are investigated either by the city, county or state authorities and their findings are available upon proper request. Medical injuries, even in a hospital setting are different. When a hospital investigates one of its own medical misadventures, state law permits it to claim that all aspects of its investigation are secret and non-discoverable by the patient, their family or their attorney. If you want answers about a medical incident which seriously injured you or a loved one, there is only one avenue--an experienced attorney who specializes in medical malpractice litigation who knows how to use the system to discover the truth.

  Mistakes happen even with the most qualified doctors, nurses and technicians. Fortunately, most medical mistakes do not result in serious harm to the patient. But, medical misbehavior can be devastating. The failure of a physician or nurse to follow accepted practices can result in catastrophic complications which maim, cripple and even kill. We believe that our system of civil justice should be committed to ensuring that those who are injured due to medical carelessness are fully and fairly compensated.



  Accidents involving the use of a product which result in injury or death are included in an area of law called "products liability." People are hurt every day at home, outside the home, and at work while using everything from common household items to highly complicated industrial machinery and chemicals.

  The Michael Bardrick Law Firm has extensive experience in products liability lawsuits. Our products liability case experience includes but is not limited to accidents involving: forklifts, lighters, stairways, motor vehicles and their many components, tires, ramps, household appliances, food products, beverage bottles, electrical connections, and firearms.

  Most products liability lawsuits require the use of highly credentialed experts. The Michael Bardrick Law Firm maintains relationships with many types of experts, and has retained such diverse experts as former NASA space engineers, and former officials of government safety departments, engineers of all backgrounds and experience, and metallurgists. The firm goes to great lengths to retain the very best and most suited experts for each individual products liability case.

  Knowing that consumers can do little to protect themselves from dangerous and defective products, the Michael Bardrick Law Firm knows manufacturers sell products they realize are not as safe as they could or should be. We will pursue your claim with competence and innovation.